Category Archives: Luxury Travel

Why spend more on travel than you need to? Check out this post!

We've got a great tip to share with all of you reading today! Whether you're looking to save some money on your next luxury travel vacation or just on some new home goods, Groupon Coupons is a fantastic way to do so. They showcase more than 70,000 coupons from 9,000+ different retailers. The best part of it all? You don't have to sign up for diddly to reap all the awesome savings. Just head to the coupons tab on their site. Groupon did a great job of signing up companies

Reasons to go on a Day Cruise to the Bahamas!

If you love to travel, have dreams of experiencing exotic locations and just want to have the time of your life, a 1 day cruise to Bahamas may just be the trip that you're looking for. The Bahamas has all sorts of sights, sounds and fun experience that makes the island a destination of choice for hard core travelers all over the world. Just make sure you don't need a visa for the Bahamas or the states first! You can check here beforehand, A one day cruise to the Bahamas is just

The most historic casinos to visit in Monte Carlo!

exterior of monte carlo casino There are several amazing casinos in Monte Carlo, as you would expect from a resort that has traditionally rivaled Las Vegas as the quintesential home of the casino, but there are two that stand out for the level of historic interest they offer. Both the Casino de Monte Carlo and the Casino Café de Paris rank amongst the world’s oldest casinos, and both boast the sort of history that can make them appealing even to those who aren’t particularly interested in slot machines or table games. The